Celebrate Thanksgiving Day by the Ocean

Thanksgiving Day celebrates the Pilgrims’ first harvest in the New World in October 1621. It was proclaimed federal holiday in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln and has been celebrated ever since. This year, the fourth Thursday of November, November 28th, will find us admiring the ocean whether it’s the Atlantic Ocean at Boca Raton Resort & Club or the Pacific Ocean at the Resort at Pelican Hill.

There’re many traditions related to Thanksgiving Day. The most popular of them is the Thanksgiving dinner, a great occasion for a family reunion. To make it even more special, choose to spend this holiday near the ocean, in an idyllic décor, surrounded by your family and friends.

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Old traditions in new places

Thanksgiving Day is about being grateful for everything that happens in your life. Be grateful for the good things because they make you happy and for the bad things because they make you wiser and stronger. Don’t forget to be grateful for the wonderful people you know and love and for those you meet every day.

It’s a blessing to travel, to discover new places and cultures. Celebrating Thanksgiving Day away from home is a precious experience you get to share with your loved ones. Don’t worry; wherever you go, the festive dinner will include turkey, potatoes, corn, and pumpkin pie. And the atmosphere will be completed with fireworks and music.

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Thanksgiving Day in popular culture

Thanksgiving Day gathers local flavors too. Besides the traditional dinner, it’s celebrated with public events and religious services. It’s also a good occasion to get involved in charitable actions and give something back to your community. You can make donations or volunteer at a local shelter. Remember that Thanksgiving Day isn’t just about you, but also about all those who join forces for your happiness directly or indirectly.

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On Thanksgiving Day you should be grateful for the splendid views over the ocean, your ability to travel, and the amazing people around you. Enjoy a unique celebration in beautiful décor and create new traditions. Most of all, celebrate with kindness and in harmony with the environment.


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