Photography Monica Radulescu Photography Monica Radulescu

How to Plan the Perfect Marriage Proposal

The history of marriage proposals is long and complicated. Today we don’t have rules and social standards anymore and we’re free to propose any way we like. But this adds the fear that we’ll ruin the special moment by bad timing and insufficient planning. Here are some ideas to help you plan the perfect marriage proposal.

The history of marriage proposals is long and complicated. Today we don’t have rules and social standards anymore and we’re free to propose any way we like. But this adds the fear that we’ll ruin the special moment by bad timing and insufficient planning. The truth is that a marriage proposal is a failure only when your partner says no. Otherwise, as clumsy and emotional it might be it’s a story to tell your grandchildren. Here are some ideas to help you plan the perfect marriage proposal.

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Keep it a surprise or not

Some people like to be surprised and some don’t. If your partner is a romantic and dreams at a fairytale proposal, you may want to consider planning a big and glamorous surprise. But if you enjoy more intimate moments, open talks, and serene atmosphere, you may want to create just that and skip kneeling, rose petals, and Mariachi. Despite what you see in movies and read in novel, we’re different people with different tastes. Choose what suits you and your partner and forget about anything else. The right way to do it is your way.

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Choose a beautiful location

A beautiful location improves the quality of the moment. It may be a new location, you’ve always wanted to visit together, or it may be your favorite holiday destination or weekend getaway. Location builds a strong narrative as it adds stories and creates atmosphere. For example, you’ll always remember the place where you first met, the destination of the first holiday, and the place where you celebrated the first anniversary. You’ll definitely remember the place where you proposed, so choose a good one!

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Book a professional photographer

A professional photographer provides high-quality pictures and videos that will help you relive this moment. You can share them with friends and family. Whether you choose to be a surprise or not, a professional photo session completes the experience and captures your love and emotions. It can happen on a secluded beach or in a luxury resort, over a glass of champagne or in the sunset light. It’s a unique moment and you deserve to be in the spotlight.

If you plan a big surprise proposal, the photographer can help with planning and details. Then they’ll hide quietly so that your partner doesn’t suspect a thing.

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A marriage proposal shouldn’t be hard work as you do it for the love of your life. But it can be stressful and emotional and sometimes it’s better to ask for professional help. Studio Eminence is always happy to be part of your big moment and share with you this amazing memory.

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